Movie Features

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Mystery Men standing together 1
Paul Reubens' Most Hilarious Role Came in a Forgotten Superhero Movie

Paul Reubens was always known for his whimsical character Pee-Wee Herman. But his funniest role came in a cult classic superhero movie.

Sam Elliott as Carter Slade in Ghost Rider 1
Ghost Rider's Biggest Live-Action Change Could Benefit the MCU

2007's Ghost Rider altered key aspects of the lore. But keeping one change could greatly benefit the character's impact and the larger MCU.

Blue Beetle  1
Does Blue Beetle Have a Post-Credits Scene?

DC's Blue Beetle movie has been garnering pretty decent reviews so far, leaving fans wondering if there are post-credits scenes hinting at a sequel.

Bella Swan and Edward Cullen with the rest of the members of the Cullen family from Twilight 1
The Twilight Saga’s Timeline Is Shorter Than You Think

Let's break down The Twilight Saga's timeline to learn just how quickly Bella Swan and Edward Cullen went from strangers to marriage and parenthood.

Fused image of the posters for A24's Talk to Me and Midsommar. 1
If A24 Is Dishing Out Sequels, Midsommar Requires the Treatment

A24's Talk to Me is breaking ground for the studio by getting a sequel, and another film distributed by the studio is also perfect for a followup.

Superman-Legacy-Queen-Bee 1
Superman: Legacy Could Have a Massive Blue Beetle Connection

Rumors abound of a key DC location appearing in Superman: Legacy. If true, it gives the DC Universe a great chance to re-introduce the Blue Beetle.

Emperor Palpatine Darth Sidious The Bad Batch 1
Star Wars' Order 65 Could've Been the Perfect Cover for Order 66

Emperor Palpatine was the architect of the Republic's demise. But one decree before Order 66 could've been the perfect cover for his tragic takeover.

The great white shark appearing behind Martin Brody in Jaws  1
Jaws Cut This Bizarre Love Triangle From the Novel for the Better

The Jaws novel included some strange subplots that thankfully didn't make their way to the movie adaptation, including a salacious love triangle.

The Last Voyage of the Demeter unleashes Dracula in a storm 1
The Last Voyage of the Demeter's Bloody Ending, Explained

The Last Voyage of the Demeter has a wild, bloody ending that showcases how powerful and cerebral the vampire king can be as an apex predator.

Marvel Comics Got the Illuminati Even Worse than The MCU 1
The MCU Was Highly Profitable Until It Started Repeating a Major Comics Problem

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is taking a turn for the worse by unintentionally copying an issue that Marvel Comics deals with.

Coraline looking through the portal to the other world, and other mother and other father smiling in the moonlight 1
Will There Be a Coraline Sequel?

Henry Selick's stop-motion adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Coraline left fans longing for more adventures, but will there ever be another Coraline movie?

An image of Tom Brevoort, Wolverine from Deadpool 3 and the Civil War comic book. 1
Tom Brevoort's New Marvel Role Could Spell Good News for the MCU

The mutants still haven't gotten a major push in the MCU, but this might change given the new role given to Marvel Comics editor Tom Brevoort.

white vision grabbing thor's hammer mjolnir 1
Vision Lifting Thor's Hammer May Open the Door for Another Tony Stark Creation

Vision lifted Thor's hammer. Could an Iron Man suit do the same thing? Well, the semantics of spells clash with machine intelligence.

Black Widow next to the Avengers. 1
Black Widow's Spiritual Successor Already Has an Impressive Body Count

Black Widow left a huge mark on the MCU before her big sacrifice. But her spiritual successor has already been revealed in an unlikely story.

Dolph Lundgren as He-Man in 1987's Masters of the Universe live-action movie 1
Netflix's He-Man Movie Was Sadly Canceled at the Right Time

Netflix canceled its live-action Masters of the Universe movie, and it was bound to happen given the current trends in streaming and Hollywood.

Superman from All-Star Superman beside Knightmare Superman and Injustice 2 Superman. 1
Hype for Superman: Legacy Is Strong - But It Must Avoid This Popular Trope

Superman: Legacy is seemingly moving in the right direction, but it can cement this cinematic victory by completely avoiding this popular trope.

winter soldier and mcu villains 1
DC and Marvel Have Iconic Villains - But Aren't Getting Their Due in Movies

Despite pulling from the richest worlds of comics, some superhero movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DCU struggle with its villains.

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, in Star Wars Episode IV 1
Why George Lucas Really Began Star Wars With Episode 4

The original Star Wars is famously the fourth chapter in the epic saga. But why wasn't it considered Episode I, considering it was released first?

Yoda and Commander Cody with the Emperor in the lower right corner. 1
Steven Spielberg Contributed to Star Wars' Saddest Moment

Revenge of the Sith featured one of the saddest sequences in Star Wars. But it wouldn't have been nearly as tragic without Steven Spielberg.

Seven of Nine, Raffi, Jack and Beverly Crusher in a combined graphic Star Trek Picard Season 3. 1
Why Star Trek: Legacy Could Be a Feature Film Testing Ground

The fan campaign for Star Trek: Legacy might not just lead to a new series, but it could also become a test kitchen for the next feature film series.
